What To Consider When Choosing A Rehab Centre

Choosing a rehab can seem a little bit daunting – whether it’s for yourself or for a loved one. With so many different options out there it can be hard to determine which rehab will be the right choice for you. Most rehabs offer core foundations such as 12 step programmes and alcohol and drug rehab, however, some offer extras things such as specialised care for mothers and babies.

Residential rehabs can feel like a bit of a no-go to some but each rehabilitation centre offers different types of accommodation such as private rooms, shared rooms, male only, female only and mixed rooms. Your rehab advisor can help you every step of the way through your recovery so don’t be afraid to ask questions.

There are some factors that you may want to consider so you find the best rehab for your circumstances.

Residential Rehabs vs Stay at Home Recovery

Residential rehab is where the patient stays at the facility whilst treatment is going ahead and stay at home means just that but going to have treatment during the day. There are many pros and cons for both options and the choice really depends on the individuals needs. It is thought that there is a much higher success rate from treatment from residential rehab however it can be more expensive and can disrupt your daily life – especially if you don’t necessarily want anyone to know about your treatment.

Each Rehab Is Unique

As mentioned before, each rehab is different and they all have their own specialities. Some rehabs may have a sole focus on one type of addiction whereas others may be across the board. So those who have a dual diagnosis such as alcoholism and gambling addiction, it is important that you choose a rehab that caters for both types of addiction.

Types of Treatment

There are so many different treatment options and it is certainly not limited. Each rehab will have their own methods of how to overcome addiction, and with no two places the same it could vary from place to place on the success rate of your treatment. It is important that you do not give up in finding respite from your addiction and to keep going even if first you don’t succeed.


Amenities will also differ from rehab to rehab. Some are considered luxury rehabs whereas others are more standard. Some will also have a faithful approach whereas others aren’t religious at all. It is important to look around to see which sort of rehab will suit you – after all, you need to be comfortable in the place you are in to have a good shot at recovery.


Location is an important factor to consider. If you are hoping for a stay at home recovery you will need to find a rehab that is close to your home so that you don’t have to travel for miles every day to receive treatment. If you have decided to opt for a residential rehab, staying somewhere that is further away from your home can help so you can isolate yourself with things that are unfamiliar. Some rehabs also are in great locations so that you can relax in beautiful picturesque surroundings.
