Brushing Your Teeth: How to Be Most Effective

The easiest way to maintain good oral health is through regular brushing of our teeth. This keeps our teeth looking great, but also removes small food particles and bacteria build up which can lead to problems. Dental decay or gum disease from lack of brushing means you’ll need an additional visit to a dentists North Wales

Most people brush their teeth twice each day, but the way it is done, and the amount of time you brush them for can have a huge impact on how effective it is. 

Your Toothbrush

An old toothbrush with really worn bristles is definitely an ineffective toothbrush. You should replace the toothbrush, or replace the head for an electric toothbrush every three months at the very least. 

Old toothbrush bristles that have worn down are much less successful at removing bacteria build up and plaque from the teeth. A good standard toothbrush is crucial to cleaning your teeth properly and keeping them looking beautiful

Your Toothpaste

Make sure that you use a fluoride based toothpaste. Most standard commercial toothpastes will have this ingredient, however some health shops sell fluoride free toothpaste. 

Fluoride helps by protecting the enamel on our teeth from damage that is caused by acids. Using a fluoride free toothpaste puts your teeth at risk of developing decay. 

How You Brush

It is commonly known that we should be brushing our teeth for at least 2 minutes. If you have a young child, make sure you are supervising them to ensure this happens. 

How we use these two minutes is also important. Brushing is most effective when you use small circular motions and have the brush at around a 45 degree angle pointing towards your gums. This makes sure that the toothbrush removes bacteria from the gum line as well as the teeth, preventing gum disease. 

Use reasonable pressure when brushing your teeth, but do not scrub them too hard. Over time this will damage the enamel. 

When You Should Brush

Most people brush their teeth once in the morning and once at night, This is a good routine to have, but there are some extra things to keep in mind. 

Some refrain from brushing their teeth until after breakfast due to not wanting the taste of toothpaste in their mouth. There is no problem with this, unless you brush your teeth straight after eating. You must wait at least 30 minutes to an hour after eating until you brush your teeth. The acids from the food will put the enamel in a weaker state, so brushing your teeth at this point will cause damage.
