Things to Avoid After Whitening Your Teeth


Treatments like teeth whitening are one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures today, and one of the best ways to achieve a bright smile that will last you through years of smiling. After teeth whitening, there are some things to avoid in order to get the most out of your investment and keep your teeth looking their best over time. Here are some things to avoid after whitening your teeth.

1. Avoid drinking coloured beverages

Coloured beverages, such as red wine and black coffee, can leave behind stains on your teeth, especially if you’re in a hurry. The longer you wait before drinking a beverage after teeth whitening treatment north wales, however, the less likely staining will occur. If you must drink coloured drinks immediately after teeth whitening, consider using a straw or sipping through a small hole punched into an index card. This will help keep coloured liquids from coming into contact with your newly-whitened teeth for as long as possible.

2. Don't eat dark coloured food

The enamel of your teeth is usually somewhat translucent, which means that if you eat dark coloured food after teeth whitening, it can stain your teeth and make them appear less bright. For example, tea leaves or beetroot. Dark-coloured soft drinks like Coca Cola are also a no-no as they contain phosphoric acid, which will dull your results in no time. If you want to drink something with a darker colour, stick to clear liquids like water.

3. Brush your teeth regularly

You might be tempted to skip brushing after a teeth whitening treatment—after all, it’s hard to scrub your teeth clean when they’re bright white. But even if you brush carefully, there’s still a chance you could transfer some of that colour onto your pillowcase or other clothing and give yourself away as having recently whitened your teeth.

4. Avoid acidic food

Acidic food includes citrus fruits, fizzy drinks, and red wine, among others. As soon as you have finished teeth whitening, rinse your mouth with water after each meal. This will help reduce damage that acids cause to tooth enamel. Additionally, you may consider using a non-acidic mouthwash after rinsing your mouth for maximum protection against acids.

5. Cut out tobacco use

Smoking is a known cause of yellow teeth. Tobacco products darken and discolour teeth, so if you’re trying to whiten your teeth you should also stop smoking (if you can) or at least cut down substantially. You might not see an immediate improvement but over time your oral health will improve. It may take some effort, but with perseverance you’ll be rewarded with whiter and healthier looking teeth.
